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AP Level 0 - Apostolic Leadership Introduction (APL0)

Apostolic Leadership course encourages students to allow the Holy Spirit to move within the learner to stir up his/her Gifts to edify, exhort, and correct. Students will learn the apostolic character of humility, by understanding biblical leadership principles. This course will be offered in bi-weekly settings for a total of 20 classes. All levels must be completed before the certificate is provided. Each course must be taken in numerical order and each course must be completed before the next level may be taken. Apostolic Courses' titles are coded as APL1 etc.

Upon completion of this course, students will know how to apply the following to their personal lives and ministry:
1. Understanding Prayer & Fasting
2. How to Study the Bible
3. Understanding the Five-fold Ministry
4. What's Your Calling '
5. Who is the Holy Spirit
6. Defining the Nine Gifts of the Spirit
7. Gifts of Helps
8. Activating and Prostituting the Gifts
9. The Character of an Apostle
10. The Character of a Prophet
11. The Apostolic Office vs Ministry
12. Understanding the Prophetic
13. Discerning Dreams and Visions
14. Creation and the Heavens
15. Angels and their Purpose
16. Demonology
17. Defining and Dealing with Strongholds
18. Conquering Spiritual Warfare


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  • All units must be completed